Sunday, November 1, 2009

One guys thoughts on the Twilight series - a concerned Christian's perspective

I wonder how some christians go about justifying their obsession with the Twilight/Vampire series. I see it as a way of making a pagan practice almost fashionable. In other books like 'Dracula', vampires are described as evil, detested, spawns of Satan. In Twilight, everything is changed, only 'some' vampires are bad, the rest are just misunderstood, etc. Edward Cullen is in fact so different from traditional vampires that he is barely recognizable as one. Satan is never mentioned, and it is a romance, not an "everyone kill the evil vampire". Add to that the proliferation of new tv shows the series has inspired and the "it's ok to be a vampire" movement is coming into homes in multiple ways and many christians don't seem to have an issue with it.

Am I perfect? no way - a hypocrite? sometimes... but I do take heed when people call me out.

Keeping it simple my issues boil down to:

1. While the vampires in this book are supposedly 'good' vampires - no premarital sex, etc. It does bring a traditionally 'evil' practice into the mainstream, and makes it 'ok' under certain circumstances. Thankfully we don't have kids so we just have ourselves to worry about - but parents be warned this is a slippery slope.

2. The obsession folks have, to the point that they will read these books non-stop, multiple times... go to midnight showings of movies, etc. it is an obsession and I hope it does not rival your obsession with God. It would be great to see folks pursue Christ with the same zeal they pursue this series with.

So how do you justify it?


  1. Darn it Dave, now you've got me thinking...

  2. Sorry mindy... there's good discussion on my facebook status as well, if you want to see some discussion.
